Unit record equipment

Before the advent of electronic computers, data processing was performed using electromechanical devices called unit record[1] equipment, electric accounting machines (EAM) or tabulating machines. Unit record machines were as ubiquitous in industry and government in the first half of the twentieth century as computers became in the second half. They allowed large volume, sophisticated, data-processing tasks to be accomplished long before modern (electronic) computers were invented. This data processing was accomplished by processing decks of punched cards through various unit record machines in a carefully choreographed progression. This progression, or flow, from machine to machine was often planned and documented with drawings that used standardized symbols for the various machine functions,[2] drawings that today would be called flowcharts.[3] The machines all had high-speed mechanical feeders to process from around one hundred cards per minute, to 2,000 cards per minute, sensing punched holes with either electrical or optical sensors. The operation of many machines was directed by the use of a removable control panel. Initially all machines were constructed using electromechanical counters and relays. Electronic components were introduced on some machines beginning in the late 1940s.

The largest supplier of unit record equipment was IBM and this article largely reflects IBM practice and terminology.




In the 1880s Herman Hollerith invented the recording of data on a medium that could then be read by a machine. Prior uses of machine readable media had been for control (Automatons, Piano rolls, looms, ...), not data. "After some initial trials with paper tape, he settled on punched cards..."[4] To process these punched cards, first known as "Hollerith cards" he invented the tabulator, and the keypunch machines.[5] These three inventions were the foundation of the modern information processing industry. His machines, called unit record machines, used mechanical relays (and solenoids) to increment mechanical counters. Hollerith's method was used in the 1890 census and the completed results were ... finished months ahead of schedule and far under budget.[6] The company he founded, the Tabulating Machine Company (1896), was one of four companies that merged to form Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation (CTR), later renamed IBM. IBM manufactured and marketed a variety of unit record machines for creating, sorting, and tabulating punched cards, even after expanding into computers in the late 1950s.

Following the 1900 census a permanent Census bureau was formed. The new bureau's contract disputes with Hollerith led to James Powers, an employee of the Census Bureau, developing new machines for part of the 1910 census processing.[7] Powers left the Census Bureau in 1911, with rights to patents for the machines he developed, and formed the Powers Accounting Machine Company.[6] In 1927 Power's company merged with the Remington Typewriter Company and Rand Kardex Company to form Remington Rand

Punched card technology soon developed into a powerful tool for business data-processing with a variety of general-purpose unit record machines from these two competing companies (a duopoly).


By the 1950s the IBM card and IBM unit record machines had become ubiquitous in industry and government. The warning often printed on cards that were to be individually handled, Do not fold, spindle or mutilate, became a motto for the post-World War II era (even though many people had no idea what spindle meant).

With the development of computers in the 1950s, punched cards found new uses as their principal input media. Punched cards were used not only for data, but for a new application - computer programs, see: Computer programming in the punched card era. Unit record machines therefore remained in computer installations in a supporting role; keypunching, reproducing card decks, and printing.

Many organizations were loath to alter systems that were working, so production unit record installations remained in operation long after computers offered faster and more cost effective solutions. Specialized uses of punched cards, including toll collection, microform aperture cards, and punched card voting, kept unit record equipment in use into the twenty-first century. Another reason was cost or availability of equipment: in 1965 an IBM 1620 computer did not have a printer as standard equipment, so it was normal in such installations to punch printed output onto cards, using two cards per line if required and print these cards on an IBM 407 accounting machine and then throw the cards away.


Punched cards

The basic unit of data storage was the punched card. For the IBM 80-column card, introduced in 1928, each column represented a single digit, letter or special character. Data values consisted of a field of adjacent columns. An employee number might occupy 5 columns; hourly pay rate, 3 columns; hours actually worked in a given week, 2 columns; department number 3 columns; project charge code 6 columns and so on.

IBM Stub cards or Short cards required unit record equipment with interchangeable feeds. For 51-column stub cards such feeds were available for the IBM 077, 080, 082, 402, 403, 419, 514, 519, and 523. Other stub cards could be read only by the IBM 514 and 519.[39]


Original data was usually punched into cards by workers, often women, known as keypunch operators. Their work was often checked by a second operator using a verifier machine. Cards were also produced automatically by various unit record machines and later by computer output devices.


An activity in many unit record shops was sorting decks of punched cards into the order necessary for the next processing step. Sorters, like the IBM 80 series Card Sorters, sorted input cards into one of 13 pockets depending on which hole was punched in a selected column. The 13th pocket was for blanks and rejects. Sorting an input deck into ascending sequence on a multiple column field, such as an employee number, was done by a radix sort, bucket sort, or a combination of the two methods.


Reports and summary data were generated by accounting or tabulating machines, such as the IBM 407. A deck was fed through the tabulating machine where, as directed by the control panel, each card could be printed on its own line and/or selected fields from each card could be added to the value of one of several counters. At some signal, say a card with a special punch indicating it was a master card, one or more summary lines could be produced containing the summed values.

Paper handling equipment

For many applications, the volume of fan-fold paper produced by tabulators required other machines, not considered to be unit record machines, to ease paper handling.


Card punching

Card punching machines included:

Later "document origination machines" such as the IBM 519 could perform all of the above operations.

The IBM 549 Ticket Converter read data from Kimball tags, copying that data to punched cards.


A collator had two input hoppers and four output pockets. These machines could merge or match card decks based on the control panel's wiring. Collators performed operations comparable to a database join.


An interpreter would print characters equivalent to the values of columns on the card. The columns to be printed could be selected and even reordered, based on the machine's control panel wiring. Later models could print on one of several rows on the card. Unlike keypunches, which printed values directly above each column, interpreters generally used a font that was a little wider than a column and could only print up to 60 characters per row.[41] Typical later models include the IBM 550 Numeric Interpreter and the IBM 557 Alphabetic Interpreter.

Transmission of punched card data

Electrical transmission of punched card data was invented in the early 1930s. The device was called an Electrical Remote Control of Office Machines and was assigned to IBM. Inventors were Joseph C. Bolt of Boston & Curt I. Johnson; Worcester, Mass. assors to the Tabulating Machine Co., Endicott, NY. The Distance Control Device received a US patent in Aug.9,1932: pat# 1,870,230. Letters from IBM talk about filling in Canada in 9/15/1931.

Processing punched tape

The IBM 046 Tape-to-Card Punch and IBM 047 Tape-to-Card Printing Punch (almost identical, with the exception of the printing mechanism) read data from punched paper tape and punched that data into punched cards. The IBM 063 Card-Controlled Tape Punch read punched cards, punching that data into paper tape.[42]

See Punched tape.

Control panel wiring

The operation of most unit record equipment (except for sorters) was directed by a control panel.[44] The panels had a rectangular array of hubs organized into groups. Wires with metal ferrules at each end were placed in the hubs to make connections. The output from some card column positions might connected to a tabulating machine's counter, for example. A shop would typically have separate control panels for each task a machine was used for.

Note: Control panel wiring is sometimes referred to as Programming. That use, in the context of data processing, to suggest a link with computer programming, is an anachronism; the projection of a modern idea on the past.

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ In the late 1800s, early 1900s unit record was a reference to the recording of all information about a transaction or object on one document. At that time the library index card was pointed out as an early example of a unit record. Even unit record desks were manufactured, a desk that included what later, for punched cards, would be called a tub file. This quote We had records of every car and locomotive on the railroad on a key-punched card or other unit record, either generated in the Car Accountant's Office or through other means, from Report of the Railway Accounting Officers. 77. Association of American Railroads: Accounting Division. 1888. p. 107.  shows that in 1888 1) users were applying the term unit record to punched cards and 2) the term's use was more general than just punched cards. Markus Krajewski in Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929, 2011, MIT, credits Conrad Gessner with developing the unit record concept.
  2. ^ IBM (1957). Machine Functions. 224-8208-3. http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/punchedCard/Training/224-8208-3_Machine_Functions_Mar61.pdf. 
  3. ^ IBM (1959). Flow Charting and Block Diagramming Techniques. /C20-8008-0. http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/generalInfo/C20-8008-0_Flowcharting_Ref_Man_Sep59.pdf. 
  4. ^ Columbia University Computing History - Herman Hollerith
  5. ^ U.S. Census Bureau: The Hollerith Machine
  6. ^ a b U.S. Census Bureau: Tabulation and Processing
  7. ^ Truesdell, Leon E. (1965). The Development of Punch Card Tabulation in the Bureau of the Census 1890-1940. US GPO. 
  8. ^ "IBM Archives: Hollerith Automatic Horizontal Sorter". http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/attic2/attic2_056.html. 
  9. ^ Computing at Columbia: Timeline - Early
  10. ^ a b IBM Archives: Endicott chronology, 1951-1959
  11. ^ "IBM Archives: 1920". IBM. http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/history/year_1920.html. 
  12. ^ IBM Type 80 Electric Punched Card Sorting Machine
  13. ^ IBM 301 Accounting Machine (the Type IV)
  14. ^ Columbia University Professor Ben Wood
  15. ^ Pugh, Emerson W. (1995). Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and Its Technology. MIT. p. 67. ISBN 0-262-16147-8. 
  16. ^ Pugh (1995). p. 50. 
  17. ^ Bashe, Charles J.; Johnson, Lyle R; Palmer, John H.; Pugh, Emerson W. (1986). IBM's Early Computers. MIT. p. 14. ISBN 0-262-02225-7. 
  18. ^ Pugh (1995). p. 50. 
  19. ^ Eames, Charles; Eames, Ray (1973). A Computer Perspective. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. p. 95.  The date given, 1920, should be 1931 (see the Columbia Difference Tabulator web site)
  20. ^ Columbia Difference Tabulator
  21. ^ Columbia Alumni News, Vol.XXIII, No.11, December 11, 1931, p.1
  22. ^ IBM 077 Collator
  23. ^ IBM Archive: Endicott card manufacturing
  24. ^ a b IBM 1940 products brochure
  25. ^ Bashe (1986). p. 21. 
  26. ^ The IBM 602 Calculating Punch
  27. ^ IBM 603 Electronic Multiplier
  28. ^ Bashe (1986). p. 62. 
  29. ^ IBM Archives: Endicott chronology 1941-1949
  30. ^ IBM Archives - DPD chronology
  31. ^ Bashe (1986). pp. 465–494.  Chapter 12 Broadening the Base, a history of IBM's 1401 and 1403 development.
  32. ^ Columbia University: The IBM 609 Calculator
  33. ^ a b IBM System 3
  34. ^ IBM 407 Accounting Machine
  35. ^ IBM Rochester chronology, page3
  36. ^ IBM Rochester chronology
  37. ^ IBM 029 Card Punch
  38. ^ Visit to a working IBM 402 in Conroe, Texas
  39. ^ IBM (1956). The Design of IBM Cards. p. 22. 22-5526-4. http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/cardProc/22-5526-4_The_Design_of_IBM_Cards_Mar56.pdf. 
  40. ^ IBM (1949). The How and Why of IBM Mark Sensing. 52-5862-0. http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/cardProc/52-5862-0_The_How_and_Why_of_IBM_Mark_Sensing_Sep49.pdf. 
  41. ^ IBM Card Interpreters
  42. ^ IBM (1958). IBM 063 Card-Controlled Tape Punch. 224-5997-3. http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/punchedCard/CardControlledTapePunch/224-5997-3_63_Card_Controlled_Tape_Punch_1958.pdf. 
  43. ^ IBM (1963). IBM Accounting Machine: 402, 403 and 419 Principles of Operation. 224-1614-13. http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/punchedCard/AccountingMachine/224-1614-13_402-403-419.pdf. 
  44. ^ IBM (1956). IBM Reference Manual: Functional Wiring Principles. 22-6275-0. http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/punchedCard/Training/22-6275-0_Functional_Wiring_Principles.pdf. 

Further reading

Note: Most IBM form numbers end with an edition number, a hyphen followed by one or two digits.

Hollerith, Hollerith's early machines
Punched card applications
The machines

External links